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July 2023- Avoiding Common Roadblocks to Successful Legal Operations

Legal operations as a functional area isn’t new, but many organizations are still establishing their programs or actively working to advance their current program to its next stage. In doing so, it’s always necessary to begin with a strategy, budget and, importantly, executive support. Even with those priorities, however, there are challenges faced by many organizations that often prevent growth and success.

Leaders Come Together for Incident Response Planning Practical Tips and Takeaways

Understanding the importance of a comprehensive and decisive timely response to a data breach can mean saving a company’s confidential data and millions of dollars. The two most important leaders within an organization to address this are the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Taking a collaborative approach and creating a proactive action plan will lead to a seamless implementation in the event of a dreaded incident.


June 2023 - Modern E-Discovery: Using Linguistics to Improve Language Analysis

Anyone who has seen the movie “The Princess Bride” undoubtedly remembers the character Vizzini, who often exclaimed “inconceivable!” when events did not go as expected.

Getting to Know our Team: Varun Iravatham

For nearly 15 years I have taken great pride in keeping QuisLex secure, ensuring the trust placed in us by our clients is always met. You could describe me as security-obsessed, as I think about risk 24/7.

Getting to Know our Team: Danielle Noonan

A common thread among the lawyers at QuisLex is feeling confined at traditional law firms and have a desire for adventure. My story is not so different. After law school, I was a litigation associate at a New York law firm focused on pharmaceutical patent and product liability.