QuisLex 17th Anniversary Message From CEO Ram Vasudevan

April 02, 2021

QuisLex 17th Anniversary Message From CEO Ram Vasudevan

Dear QuisLexians,

So near yet so far…

That is how it feels. A year has passed since we went into lockdown and the end is near, yet far. It has been a tough year overall but it also brought out the best in most of us. With the vaccinations picking up globally, I am confident we will be getting back to some semblance of normalcy in the coming months.

We executed several complex projects this past year but also realized that a distributed work environment makes execution, particularly in large-scale, complex projects that require great teamwork – very difficult. I don’t believe we are unique in this. In speaking candidly with CEOs from different industries this is something that was common across most if not all service companies. It reminds me of the Panchatantra story where a flock of birds are caught in a net. Individually they cannot escape but they flap their wings together in orchestrated coordination and, off they go with the net… That is the power of common purpose, faith, culture and teamwork, each of which has been hit hard by the pandemic.

We are seeing strong evidence of work picking up and I expect that trend to continue well into this year. I believe that when we do get back to the office the learnings we have gained this past year on quality control, use of technology, workflows, individual and team responsibilities all will contribute immensely in making us much more efficient and successful.

Have a wonderful 17th and wishing you and your families a terrific 18.



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